Juncus tenuis (Path Rush)

Juncus tenuis (Path Rush)

from $1.35

Also know as Poverty Rush

A low growing rush tolerant of drier conditions than most. Grasslike, leaves present all year.

Install at waterline or above. Freshwater only.

Description: Tufted perennial with fibrous roots that grows 6-28” tall. Is ideal for erosion control of stream banks or drainage stabilization; Can be used as a biofilter in the bottoms of constructed bioswales as a ground layer; Can grow in freshwater sites that have saturated soils in the winter and dry conditions during the summer.

Wetland Indicator Status: FAC (Occur in wetlands and non-wetlands)

USDA Plant Hardiness: Zones 3-9

5 inch deep x 1.6 inch wide plug

Click here for more information: USDA Plants Database

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