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Native plants for stormwater, wastewater, salt marsh, and shoreline projects

wholesale wetland & water Plants

for Stormwater, Wastewater, & Shoreline Projects

from long island to baton rouge


our plants grow your profits

Size Shape & Price, in perfect proportion


A packaging system that shrinks your labor

jason w bags.jpg

Simple pricing, next day shipping, expert advice

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We grow 70 herbaceous (non-woody) wetland and aquatic species. All are native to the mid-Atlantic and southeastern USA

Our plants' immediate ancestors have been fending for themselves in the wild for thousands of years, and retain the characteristics that allow them to thrive in tough wetland conditions

We do not sell trees, shrubs, species that can't tolerate wet feet, or cultivars selected simply for ornamental qualities.




We've been growing native wetland plants since 1999 and currently produce 1.5 million plants per year.

We meet the needs of the largest herbaceous projects, such as this 144,000 plant stormwater wetland in New Bern, North Carolina.

The nursery is located near the intersection of USDA zones 7b and 8a.  It is surrounded by a rich diversity of natural wetlands.  These wetlands provide the seeds we use to grow plants genetically ideal for projects from Long Island to Baton Rouge.

144,000 plants, 4 1/2 months after installation

144,000 plants, 4 1/2 months after installation


buying starts with a quote

Our prices, shipping charges (if any) and available inventory are always online.  However it is still best to ask for a quote, which locks in prices for future shipments and allows us to offer substitute species if something you want is sold out.  
